Get Daily Forecasts

Don't waste your mornings searching around on Google, AccuWeather or other places. All you need is a simple and accurate forecast that gives you the essential details for each day. 

MinyanCast's Daily Forecasts offer that unique feature, something you can't find at other weather companies. Receive a free, clear and consice email laying out the key details of the next few days. 

But don't worry, we won't leave you hanging with vague details such as "a 37% chance of rain" or "a p.m. thunderstorm in places". MinyanCast provides clear and detailed forecasts.

Fill out this quick form to get started.

About MinyanCast

MinyanCast was started in January 2021, with the intention of providing accurate forecasts that are more catered to our community. 

We found that people often didn't know how to translate forecasts on Google into real-life use, or how to understand differing forecasts across different apps. 

So we created MinyanCast to bring easy-to-understand weather forecasts to our community, without compromising on the accuracy everyone expects.

And MinyanCast has delivered on that mission, with a long-term accuracy, across hundreds of forecasts, of over 89%.